(A Peer Review Journal)
e–ISSN: 2408–5162; p–ISSN: 2048–5170


Pages: 623-627
M. A. Oloyede and O. A. Oluwarotimi

keywords: Allium cepa, borehole water, cytogenotoxicity, public health


In recent time, increased population in Ikotun, Ikeja and Alimosho local government areas of Lagos State, Nigeria is becoming alarming as this is expected to create pressure on the facilities needed for the basic day-to-day activities of inhabitants to these areas. The cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials of borehole water in these areas were investigated using the Allium cepa test. Water samples were collected from three points in each local government. Ikotun (Governor’s road, Arida area and Igando Road), Ikeja (Balogun area, Oba Akran area and Opebi road) and Alimosho (Ponle area, Williams layout and Alaguntan area) water. The result showed that test water mitotic index decreased significantly (p<0.05) from control.The water samples were characterized by a number of chromosomal aberrations notably bridges, fragments, sticky chromosomes, disoriented chromosomes, and binucleated cells in significant amounts and these were more pronounced in water samples obtained from Ikotun local government (Governor’s road, Arida area and Igando Road). The findings in this study are of public health relevance as access to safe water is a fundamental human need and therefore, a basic human right.


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